Why Is My CEL On?

Check Engine Light Diagnostics in Apple Valley & Victorville, CA

Why Is My CEL On?

The Purpose Of The CEL

The check engine light, often represented by a small engine symbol on your vehicle's dashboard, is part of modern automobiles' onboard diagnostics (OBD) system. It is an indicator to alert you when the vehicle's computer system has an issue to report with the engine and its related systems. The OBD generates a code about the specific problem. These codes provide valuable information to mechanics and technicians about a particular issue or malfunction affecting the vehicle. It's important to note that the check engine light does not provide a detailed explanation of the problem but serves as a warning that something needs attention. It also means it's time to take it to the auto shop.

Your CEL’s Diagnosis

When you bring your car to the shop, we will run a diagnostics to find out the problem. The causes range from minor to severe. The check engine light can be steady or flashing. A steady light typically indicates a less severe issue, while a flashing light suggests a more urgent problem. Some frequent reasons for a check engine light include a loose gas cap, faulty oxygen sensors, a malfunctioning mass airflow sensor, or issues with the catalytic converter. These are relatively common and often relatively inexpensive to fix. Note any other symptoms your vehicle is experiencing, such as unusual noises, vibrations, or changes in performance. This information can help narrow down the issue. If your CEL is flashing, it means your engine is about to fail. You need to pull over immediately or go to your nearest garage. Your vehicle is no longer safe to drive. It's a risk that will damage your engine further. Don't ignore the flashing light!

Get The Cure

If that pesky but useful light comes on, head to Big Apple Automotive in Apple Valley & Victorville, CA. We have the latest BD-II (Onboard Diagnostics) scanner to retrieve the diagnostic trouble codes stored in your car's computer. Once we have identified the issue, we will immediately get to work repairing it. We don't want you to get back on the road with your CEL light on. Come to us when the light starts illuminating your dashboard.

Written by Developer Autoshop